

Jun 18

Help Reopen Marin County Singletrack

IMBA California is opening trails across the state. Now, we need your voice to reopen four Marin-area singletracks where mountain bikers have been banished for over a decade. It’s about time we’re allowed back into mountain biking’s birthplace.

Take Action
Your strong voice is essential to winning this landmark opportunity. IMBA’s Marin County request has ruffled the feathers of anti-bike groups who have already announced their opposition and are building a case to exclude riders like us. All California residents are urged to take action:

* File Comments
Formally file your comments with California State Parks. IMBA’s simple form is just one screen and will submit your official comments. Deadline is June 30.

* Sign the Singletrack Petition
Add your name in support of opening these four trails, plus many others across the states.

* Rally Fellow Riders
Ask your friends and riding partners to echo your voice and bolster support for singletrack.

* Donate
IMBA’s California Fund bankrolls one righteous goal: create exceptional mountain biking experiences in the Golden State.

California State Parks’ deadline for comments is June 30th and they need to hear from you. This is the cornerstone of IMBA California’s push to open more trails across the state and it requires a volley of support from all riders to set a bike-friendly precedent.

Singletrack at Stake
The four trails we’re working to open:

* McKennan Gulch Trail at Mount Tamalpais State Park
* Easy Grade Trail at Mount Tamalpais State Park
* Bill’s Trail at Samuel P. Taylor State Park – Alternate Days
* Mt. Burdell Trail at Olompali State Historic Park

More information and details about each trail are available through