

Apr 17

Support Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA)

The National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program brings communities together to build trail and greenway projects, restore rivers and wildlife habitat, preserve open space, and revitalize our public lands. Despite RTCA’s proven success rate and overwhelming demand for their services, its budget has remained relatively stagnant for a decade, and virtually flat for the last five years. Last year, RTCA was funded at approximately $8.2 million. The administration has suggested a modest increase of $650,000 for fiscal year 2008.

Our campaign to increase the RTCA budget by $3.8 million to $12 million will help reverse a decade of funding shortfalls, compensate for losses due to inflation and enable the program to respond to growing needs and opportunities in communities throughout the country.

Please help support IMBA’s RTCA “ask” by writing to your
congressional leaders today!